20 February 2012 XXXV
Khamsin Molossia News
Heliotrope Falls Expedition
Heliotrope Falls National Park lies about two Imperial Nortons north of the Molossian Home Territory and is the only national park not on land owned outright by our nation. The Falls are located in a narrow defile in a remote part of the Nevada desert, not easily accessible to the public and not far from the Mustachistan War battlefields. In the late 1990's our government placed a "claim" on the Falls area and buried a marker there to enforce that claim. On 12 February 2012 XXXV, the Molossian Geographical Society visited the Falls, the first such visit in several years. The expedition explored Sutro Creek, upon which the Falls lie, and the Falls themselves. Finally, the Society dug up the marker that was placed so long ago. It was still in excellent shape, in spite of being buried for more than a decade. The Falls themselves remain unsullied by the outside world, a credit to their remoteness. The survey complete, the expedition returned to Molossia and left the peaceful canyon and its sparkling waters with fond memories of its beauty.
 Sutro Creek.
 The President atop the Falls.
 The Falls Claim Marker.
 Heliotrope Falls
Skylofter Rocket
On 19 February 2012 XXXV the Molossian Ministry for Air and Space Exploration launched its latest project, the Skylofter. Skylofter is a payload rocket, with a small chamber designed to carry objects skyward. The purpose of this launch was to determine if the rocket would take longer or less time to land when launched loaded versus unloaded. To that end, the rocket was first launched empty, taking about 40 seconds to land after launch. Then the rocket was sent up with a payload of sand. This time it only traveled about a third of its previous height, and landed about 15 seconds after launch. This definitely established that the rocket takes less time to land when launched loaded. The final launch of the Skylofter carried aloft the Molossian flag, the first time our banner has ever been sent up in a rocket. This concluded the Skylofter launches, a very successful project for our space program.
 Preparing for launch.
 The Skylofter Without a Payload.
 The Skylofter Loaded.
 Ready to Launch.
 Carrying the Molossian Flag.
Post Office Remodeled
The Molossia Post Office, stalwart civil service bastion of our nation, has recently been remodeled. Residing in Red Square, the location of many of our nation's buildings, the Post Office was originally inaugurated in 2009 XXXIII. However, efforts to make it weatherproof were unsuccessful, and the little building suffered under the wind, rain and sun of our desert climate. With the expansion of Red Square to accommodate the new President's Office, it was decided to move the Post Office and remodel it. This took place during the latter weeks of January and first half of February, and the improved Post Office was unveiled to the public on 20 February 2012 XXXV. Now completely weatherproof, the building also has an improved door design and sports new curtains inside and a new awning outside. Altogether this is a vast improvement over the original building and a proud monument for the Molossia Post.
 Remodeled Post Office
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