23 January 2012 XXXV
Khamsin Molossia News
Chinese New Year
The Chinese New Year is the symbolic beginning of the year for Molossia and the event is marked with a celebration here. To the strains of traditional Chinese music, the First Family celebrated the holiday with a feast of Chinese food. Decorations covered the walls in the dining room of Government House as the family enjoyed their repast and each other's company. Earlier, His Excellency, The President delivered his annual New Years speech, traditionally given on the Chinese New Years Day. As always, The President praised the nation for its fortitude, energy and creativity and looked ahead to the promise of the coming year. Happy New Year!
 New Year Feast
 Chinese Princess
Winter Arrives Late
This has been a dry winter thus far in Molossia - but all that changed this weekend when winter rain and snow finally arrived in our nation. It began with rain on Friday evening, a torrential downpour. A brief calm followed on Saturday and Sunday, with rain and then snow falling Sunday evening. Monday morning Molossia woke up to several micronortons of snow blanketing our nation. The snow was wet though and largely melted by Monday evening. This storm marked the end of one of the driest winters on record for the area in a very long time. The most recent precipitation fell last October in the form of rain and nothing has fallen since. In a related weather note, Molossia has seen extremely strong winds this winter. Destructive gales on three different occasions have damaged a new storage building in November and more recently destroyed the door to the new Presidential Office and moved the Post Office six micronortons on its foundation. Here's hoping the severe weather is over for the winter!
 Snow in Republic Square
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