Christmas 2011 XXXIV in the Republic of Molossia has proven to be a very historic one. Along with the usual gift-giving, games, food and other festive activities, our nation was host to our entire population for the first time in many years - and grew by one citizen, as well. At any given time there are nine resident citizens of Molossia, actually living within the borders of our nation. There are also four more Molossian expatriates, one living in nearby Carson City, two in Fortuna, California and one in far off Belgium. This year all of our expatriate citizens came home to roost for the holidays, an event which hasn't occurred for about five years. In addition to this remarkable confluence of our citizenry, our nation grew by one on Christmas Day. On this auspicious day we welcomed our first-ever naturalized Molossian citizen, Lyndsi Pope, who married Molossian Mark Baugh in a ceremony conducted by Our President in Republic Square. The President, who besides being the leader of our nation is also an ordained minister, united the couple in a short ceremony before the rest of the nation. A more formal wedding for Lyndsi and Mark will take place later on in the month. This is the first marriage ever held in Molossia and, along with the other firsts this day, rounded out an amazing holiday for our nation. We wish the new couple well as they begin their lives together and salute our citizens as they come together under one roof to celebrate being a part of the Molossian family.
 The Entire Population of the Republic of Molossia.
 The President And the Wedding Couple.