17 January 2011 XXXIV
Khamsin Molossia News
On Saturday, 17 January 2011 XXXIV, the Republic of Molossia hosted a special event, a winter luau. This festive Hawaiian-themed party was conceived by His Excellency, The President as an alternative to the dreary, cold days of winter. Billed as an anti-winter celebration, the event was planned and executed admirably by The First Lady. The attendees were the First Family and their friends, and activities included a limbo contest, coconut bowling, a hula contest, a hula hoop contest and pin the coconut on the palm tree. Prizes and snacks abounded, and a grand festive time was had by all. This party definitely repelled the effects of winter in the hearts of the participants and may be an annual event when the winter doldrums set in each year.
 The President and The First Lady, Luau Ready
Spring Projects Planned
A brief respite from winter cold saw a warming of temperatures, and The Government of the Republic of Molossia wasted no time in using this fair weather window to begin our spring projects. This year's efforts to improve Molossia include the establishment of the Molossia Museum, the construction of Molo Lake, and various improvement projects in Norton Park in anticipation of the Presidential Wedding this coming September. Early efforts were modest, largely involving the movement of existing plants, which can only be done at this time of year. The next project will be moving the Famous Pineapple Fountain and expanding the walkway near it, and so forth throughout the next few months. All improvement tasks are scheduled to be complete by the beginning of April, but if not, certainly no later than Founder's Day, our nation's birthday on 26 May.

New Holidays Declared
His Excellency, The President has added two new holidays to the annual Molossian calendar. The first is Molossaphone Day, which is in honor of our National Musical Instrument, the Molossaphone. The Molossaphone is a type of kazoo, adopted as out National Musical Instrument in March 2008 XXXI. Kazoo Day in the United States is generally accepted to be 28 January, and it is thus that Molossaphone Day has been declared, a day to celebrate our simple, yet unique National Musical Instrument.
The second new holiday is Guy Fawkes Day. Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated throughout out the United Kingdom as the day the Gunpowder Plot was averted, narrowing saving Parliament and King James I from destruction. In the UK Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated with bonfires and the burning of the Guy Fawkes effigy and likewise it will be celebrated here in Molossia. We tend to be Anglophiles here in Molossia, celebrating in addition Boxing Day, after Christmas. The addition of Guy Fawkes Day to our calendar helps sustain this ancient holiday in the new millennium and gives Molossians a reason to gather around a winter bonfire, burn the Guy and eat s'mores!
See all of Molossia's holidays here!

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