5 June 2010 XXXII
Khamsin Molossia News
Molossia Soccer Team
During the weekend of 29 - 30 May 2010 XXXIII, the Dutch amateur soccer team "Karpe Noktem" represented Molossia in a local soccer tournament with a World Championship theme. The team captain contacted His Excellency, The President during the week prior to the tournament, asking to represent Molossia, and Our President readily agreed. In due course the contest took place. Against stern competition the team held their own to the best of their abilities, and achieved a 3-0 victory in their first match, and a 2-2 draw in their last match. Although victory eluded the valiant players in their remaining matches, they did well enough in all of their matches to make sure that their opponents will remember Molossia in the future. Off the field Karpe Noktem succeeded better than any other team in representing their chosen nation. Being the only team with presidential support helped them very much, as people upon hearing this quickly became interested in Molossia, and were very supportive of our nation. As a result other teams were glad to help our stalwart representatives out with their matches whenever they were a man short on the field. We are very proud that Karpe Noktem chose to represent Molossia in the soccer tournament, and we hope that one day soon they will again carry the Molossia name upon the soccer field.
 Team Photo: top row, from left to right: Remco van Cruchten, Robert Dorigo, Bente Rotberg, Mike Koeman, Abel Planting. Bottom row, also left to right: Nikie Bougatsias, Daan Fifis du Pont, and Paul Smits (team captain)
Oil Well Crisis
His Excellency, The President issued a direct condemnation of the ongoing oil well crisis taking place in the Gulf of Mexico. On 20 April 2010 XXXIII an oil well blowout caused a catastrophic explosion on the BP Deepwater Horizon offshore oil drilling platform that was situated about 40 miles (64 km) southeast of the Louisiana coast. The explosion resulted in an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, now considered the largest offshore spill in U.S. history. Estimates of the amount of oil being discharged range from 12,000 to 100,000 barrels (500,000 to 4,200,000 US gallons; 1,900,000 to 16,000,000 liters) per day. The spill covers a surface area of at least 2,500 square miles (6,500 km2), and has damaged the Gulf of Mexico fishing industry, the Gulf Coast tourism industry, and the habitats of hundreds of bird species, fish and other wildlife. BP has thus far failed to contain the flow of oil and there is no end in sight to this disaster. As the environmental damage only spreads further, Our President cites the failure of BP to control the spill and the U.S. Government's slow response as the target of his official condemnation and calls for a swift and decisive end to this crisis immediately.

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