7 December 2009 XXXII
Khamsin Molossia News
Winter Storm Blasts Molossia
On 6 - 7 December, 2009 XXXII, a powerful winter storm hit Molossia and the surrounding area. Beginning the evening of Sunday, the 6th snow began to fall, with about 12 micronortons of snow accumulating by early Monday morning. In the surrounding region about 36 micronortons of snow fell at the higher elevations around Lake Tahoe, with up to another 24 micronortons expected before Monday was over. The heavy snow snarled traffic on local roads, and schools and U.S. Government offices were closed for the day. In Molossia, life came to a pleasant halt and citizens snuggled up inside, staying warm and dry. This is the first real snow storm of the 2009 winter season, and it brought the heaviest snow to the region since 2005. Clear weather is forecast over the next week, with more snow on the following weekend.
 Snow Falls on Republic Square
Prince Giorgio I of Seborga
Prince Giorgio I of the Principality of Seborga died on 25 November 2009 at the age of 73 after a long illness. The Principality of Seborga is located in the environs of the Italian Riviera, near the picturesque Ligurian town of Bordighera. Prince Giorgio I claimed the sovereignty of Seborga (population 364) from the Italian government in 1963 and his subjects gave him the title Sua Tremendita or Your Tremendousness, because he sprinkled his conversation with swear words. The Seborgans believe their independent history dates back to 954 when the counts of nearby Ventimiglia gave the land to Benedectine monks who established a sovereign Cistercian state. When the monks sold Seborga to the King of Savoy and Sardinia in 1729 the deal was not registered, local historians say. Since then, Seborga has been missing from historical records, including the acts of the unification of Italy in 1861 and the formation of the Italian Republic in 1946. Seborga has its own flag, a white cross on a blue background, a patron saint, St Bernard, and a Latin motto: Sub Umbra Sede (Sit in the shade). Prince Giorgio I was a tireless promoter of Seborga and managed to convince about 20 states to recognize his tiny nation. Consular representation was maintained in 10 countries. Tiring of his role, Prince Giorgio I announced in January 2006 that he would retire when he reached the age of 70 following a dispute over rebuilding the village centre. Nevertheless, he continued in the role until his death. Prince Giorgio leaves no heirs and Seborga's royal destiny is uncertain, but we are certain that the legacy of the Prince will carry Seborga successfully into the future.
 Prince Giorgio I of Seborga.
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