18 August 2003 XXVI

Khamsin Molossia News

The frontiers of the world's smallest republic have a new defender. Today saw the delivery and installation of our first and only cannon, affectionately dubbed "Emperor Norton". The cannon is emplaced on a hill of stone, named "Redoubt Number 1", which is just in front of Republic Square, and only a few Nortons from the entrance to Government House. "Emperor Norton" faces the western frontier of Molossia.

This is a long-anticipated addition to the defence of Molossia and to the overall scene before Government House. His Excellency, The President has long looked forward to the arrival of this cannon, and was instrumental in the building of Redoubt Number 1, and Emperor Norton's establishment upon it today. The whole of the Molossian nation has turned out to admire this new look to the face of Molossia.

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