The Government of the Republic of Molossia is proud to unveil our new Information Center. Located adjacent to the Customs Station, the Info Center is designed to provide visitors to our nation with background information about Molossia. It has been noted by His Excellency, The President, that when tourists arrive in groups, often only one or two members of that group has ever visited Molossia's website. The rest remain largely in the dark about our nation's history, culture and accomplishments. This detracts from the tour of Molossia, and makes their visit a little less interesting and perhaps more confusing. The establishment of this Info Center will help alleviate that situation. The two signboards provide photos of our website, samples of our stamps and money, a list of our holidays and even newspaper clippings. The Center also includes a clock, showing Molossian Standard Time. This will all hopefully enhance the tour of Molossia for the casual visitor and make their visit a bit more enjoyable.
 The new Info Center.
 The new Info Center with the new Molossia sign on Government House.