25 December 2008 XXXI
Khamsin Molossia News
White Christmas
For the first time in anyone's memory, Molossia has a white Christmas. Most years the winter weather in Molossia is cold and dry through December, with occasional snow - that rarely lasts. The real winter weather begins in January and continues through February, tapering off in March. Snow on Christmas is rare indeed, and the much desired white Christmas has been elusive for many, many years. Finally this year it happened, and Molossia awoke to a blanket of snow. With the wind howling and the snow blowing, our desire for a true winter holiday has happened in spades. Fortunately, all of Molossia is snug indoors and safe from the cold and snow. With lights twinkling on the National Christmas Tree, presents given and Christmas dinner (lasagna, of course) cooking, this is truly a pleasant, content and happy holiday.
 Snowy Vista.
 Norton Park.
The Passing of Queequeg
The senior, and sole cat about the house, Queequeg, passed away on December 23rd, 2008 XXXI. Queequeg, also called "Bug Boy", was named after the tattooed harpooner from "Moby Dick" (not the dog from "X-Files"). Queequeg was generally quite laid back, but always made a beeline for Under the Bed when company arrived. He had the amusing trait of sticking his tongue out when startled. His usual station was purring on the back of the couch in Government House. Queequeg died of old age and complications from having no teeth, and was buried with honors in the Molossia Cemetery. He will truly be missed.
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