On 21 October 2007 XXX, the Oracle rocket rose aloft on its second mission, this time above "Misfit Flats", a dry lake bed not far from the Molossian Home Territories. Misfit Flats is famous for being a filming location for the movie, "The Misfits", starring Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe. It was also their last movie. From this storied location, the Oracle lifted off at 9:00 AM MST. A total of three launches were accomplished, in spite of technical difficulties. A computer power failure interrupted the process of downloading the first launch video from the rocket, and necessitated a run back to Molossia to remedy the situation. That fixed, the second launch went well although the second stage of the rocket separated in two on the way down, requiring on-the-spot repairs. The final launch proved to be a near disaster, as the second stage came apart again, this time hampering the deployment of the parachute. The nose cone crashed to earth without the parachute to brake its progress. However, the Oracle is a tough rocket, and the camera survived. The rocket itself is wholly salvageable, and will fly again. Video was taken successfully from these three launches and can be seen in the movie to the right. The Oracle will fly again!
On Saturday, 20 October 2007 XXX, the Rufus T. Firefly National Observatory was reopened with a new telescope. This telescope was purchased by our government by the direct order of His Excellency, The President. The lunar eclipse on 28 August 2007 XXX proved the need for a new National Observatory. The original National Observatory was retired on 2005 XXVIII, due to poor performance. However, the lack of an observatory severely hampered our ability to observe the August lunar eclipse. This has now been remedied, and we can once again gaze skyward to observe the heavens. The next eclipse will take place in February 2008 XXXI, and we will be ready for it!
 The "Oracle" On Misfit Flats
 Misfit Flats
 Click here for the movie of the "Oracle's" Second Flight

The New Observatory