26 May 2007 XXX

Khamsin Molossia News

Saturday, 26 May 2007 XXX marked the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Molossia. For this very special day, the event was celebrated with a party in Norton Park, which included a barbecue, tours of the country given by His Excellency, The President, games played and cookie dough, of course! Our tiny country hosted around 14 guests for this celebration, the most that have ever visited Molossia at one time. Even our occasional rival, Sultan Ali-Ali Achsenfree, was in attendance, and proved very handy at the barbecue. His Excellency, The President handed out one each of our coins to every guest, as well as stamping honorary passports and passing out buttons. He also provided information about our nation to all of our visitors. Most of them had heard about Molossia, but only Sultan Ali had actually been here before, so visiting Molossia was a new experience for them. The celebration was an enormous success, and an fine time was had by all!


The President holding forth

Relaxing in Norton Park

Playing Ladderball

More Ladderball

In front of the Tower of the Winds

Barbecue time

In the shade of Government House

More barbecue time


In honor of the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Molossia, the Bank of Molossia has released our latest coin. This coin commemorates the foundation of our nation in 1977, then known as the Grand Republic of Vuldstein. Its face shows the Arms of Molossia, with the words "30th Anniversary" and the anniversary date, 26 May 2007. The reverse shows the Arms of the Grand Republic of Vuldstein, along with the foundation date of our nation, 26 May 1977. This coin has no face value, as it was created as a collector's item to commemorate our nation's anniversary, not for general use.

30th Anniversary Coin

30th Anniversary Coin

Note: If you wish to purchase one or more of our new anniversary coins, you may do so for US $2.00 each. The price includes shipping, worldwide. Please send your request via e-mail here, for further information. PayPal, to the account "" is the preferred of payment.

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