Mustachistan Threatens Second Missile Test
Just weeks after the successful launch of their first rocket, the "Goatshead", the nation of Mustachistan has indicated that it is planning a second launch of the rocket. The Goatshead Rocket, although ostensibly for peaceful purposes, has been condemned by the Molossian Government as an offensive weapon. His Excellency, The President of Molossia has called upon Mustachistan to cease the production and launching of their rockets, citing them as a threat to regional peace and stability. The President has denounced the program in the strongest terms, and stated flatly that Molossia will not condone nor ignore the offensive possibilities of the Mustachistani rocket program. Mustachistan, the reader will recall, fought and lost a war with Molossia in May and June of 2006. Sultan Ali-Ali Achsenfree of Mustachistan has thumbed his nose at the Molossian demand to cease the rocket program. His Excellency, The President has in turn reiterated his belief that this program is a danger to Molossia and the world. Though he has a stated desire for a peaceful outcome to the crisis, The President has made it clear that Molossia has a right to defend itself, and will take whatever measures necessary to ensure its security. Hopefully, a diplomatic solution will resolve the matter before more extreme measures are taken.