Woola Baugh. Woola is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a British breed of toy spaniel. She is named after the Martian dog from the John Carter series of books by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The first puppy to arrive in Molossia in over eight years, Woola is the apple of the First Lady's eye. Woola is our 39th citizen, in our ever-growing population, a wonderful, bouncy addition to our great nation!
Bella is a bouncy, friendly Pomeranian named for Bella Swan in the "Twilight" Series. Bella divides her time between Molossia and her home over the border in America, with Molossian citizen Kaylin. The smallest of the Molossian dogs, she nevertheless has the loudest voice, and uses it as often as possible. As one of the youngest dog, she is a welcome addition to our increasingly aging dog herd and keeps us all on our toes!

Tom is named in honor of Mark Twain, a resident of nearby Virginia City, Nevada in the early 1860's and
himself the namesake for the small community in which Molossia lies. Tom is a wire-haired miniature dachshund, a sturdy, long-bodied breed
known for their digging - a characteristic already amply demonstrated in Norton Park!

May of 2022 XLV saw the arrival of our newest Molossian citizen, Max the Dog. With the loss of some of our animal citizens over the last year, The President decided it was time to adopt again. Max is a 13 year old Dachshund, orphaned since his previous humans passed. There was no hesitation in welcoming this old man dog to Molossia and into our hearts. In the intervening month since his adoption Max has become a firm part of our nation and a beloved member of the Molossian household.
Max sadly passed away at the age of 16 on 22 January 2025 XLVIII
The Old Man of Molossia, Duncan is our West Highland White Terrier. Duncan is named for King Duncan I, King of Scotland in both history and Shakespeare, a nod to Duncan the dog's Scottish forbears. Our Duncan is anything but regal, and tends to be a bit flighty and somewhat dense. Nevertheless, he makes up for these characteristics by being a very sweet, lovable companion, always ready to play, go for a walk or even snuggle up in your lap.
Duncan sadly passed away at the age of 16 on 9 June 2021 XLIV.

The sole feline of Molossia, Stella is an older rescue from another home, brought to live her life out in peace here in our nation. Named for Stella Kowalski of Streetcar Named Desire fame, Stella is sweet, loving tabby cat and a perfect addition to life in Government House!
Stella sadly passed away at the age of 8 on 26 March 2021 XLIV.
The Official Dog of Molossia, Tigger is our stalwart Old Man and general Dog-In-Charge. Once bouncy and flighty, age has settled him a bit and he has grown from crazy puppy to loyal, steady companion. He is a serious fellow, very dedicated to keeping his home safe and his fellow canines in line. Tigger is a very sweet, loyal dog, always eager to please and attentive to your every need.
Tigger sadly passed away at the age of 11 on 15 October 2013 XXXVI.
The Official Busy Bee of Molossia, Annie is our Boston Terrier. Annie is named for Little Orphan Annie, of comic, musical and movie fame. Annie is high energy and inquisitive to say the least, and rarely misses anything. It is her job to investigate every corner of Government House and Norton Park, and then investigate it again in case she missed anything. She always moves at top speed, interrupted by brief naps, and is always ready to play. Annie is a ready and willing companion for any adventure, and she is certain that there is no situation she can't master. This little dog is not for the faint of heart!
Annie sadly passed away at the age of 11 1/2 on 10 April 2017 XL. |
Molly is the Official Dog Under The Bed. Shy and retiring, she is nevertheless always ready to come and see The First Lady and is of course always ready for a dog cookie! A Lhasa Apso mix, Molly had a rough life before being rescued by The First Lady at a yard sale. Since then her life has been much better and she has become a bit spoiled. Still, when the going gets tough, Molly is the first to get going - under the bed as quickly as possible! Armed with her one snaggle tooth, Molly is the stalwart defender of the bedroom and the apple of Mom's eye!
Molly sadly passed away at the age of about 15 on 2 October 2020 XLIII. |
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