A meet up of micronationalists from around the world!
On 11 April 2015 the Republic of Molossia was pleased and honored to host a major intermicronational get-together and conference, MicroCon 2015. MicroCon is a meet-up of micronationalists from around the world. The principal venue was the Anaheim Central Library, and from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm, delegates from 17 micronations gathered to share their ideas, dreams and worlds with each other. The conference began with a keynote address via YouTube by Mr. Steven A. Scharff, noted micronational patriologist, speaking about micronational history and concepts. Mr. Scharff was followed in succession by Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica, Queen Carolyn of Ladonia, Princess Samantha of Shiloh, Grand Duke Jacob of Broslavia, Vice President John Farr of West Who, Queen Anastasia of Ruritania, King George II of Slabovia, Lord Henry of the Grand Duchy of Broslavia, Grand Marshall Yagjian of Obsidia, King Christopher of Vikesland, President Staples of the California Republic, King Adam I of Überstadt, Prince Arthur and Lady Edith of the House of Homestead, Supreme Dictator Veselovsky of the F.A.R.T., His Holy Highness Yan the First of YAN (via YouTube) and finally First Lady Adrianne Baugh and President Kevin Baugh of Molossia. Presenters used slides and video to highlight their presentations, and various unique perspectives were shared with the audience. One of the significant moments of the event was a medieval warfare demonstration by Shiloh, including knights battling it out in the midst of the convention. Breaks were taken, including lunch, to allow time for networking and socializing - and of course many photo-ops in front of the bank of national flags displayed. The media was also in attendance, including an affiliate of the Today Show and of course stalwart micronational photographer Matt Roth. After an all too brief four hours the conference adjourned and the delegates departed, some to their home nations, and others to prepare for the evening's event, the MicronCon Cotillion.
The MicroCon Cotillion was a semi-formal ball, arranged as a social event following the convention. Attendees arrived at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim at 5:30 PM, dressed in their finery for an evening of dining and dancing. After a catered dinner and some dancing, awards were presented by various micronational leaders to their peers and associates. Among the prestenters were Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica, King Christopher of Vikesland, King Timothy of Shiloh, Queen Anastasia of Ruritania and Prince Arthur of Homestead. Following the awards ceremony dancing and socializing continued until the evening wound down and each leader and their party took their leave. Thus ended this year's MicroCon event. Such was the success that future MicroCon events are already being planned, perhaps again in 2017. Until then the memories of this remarkable MicroCon will remain with all for a very long time!
 Flags of Nations.
 Micronational Assembly!
 Rapt Audience.
 President Baugh Opens the Conference.
 Mr. Steven A. Scharff Delivers His Keynote Address.
 Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica.
 Queen Carolyn of Ladonia.
 Crown Princess Samantha of Shiloh.
 Shiloh Knights.
 Grand Duke Jacob Felts of Broslavia.
 Vice President John Farr of West Who.
 Queen Anastasia of Ruritania.
 King George II of Slabovia.
 Lord Henry of Broslavia.
 Grand Marshall Yagjian of Obsidia.
 King Christopher of Vikesland.
 President Staples of the California Republic.
 King Adam I of Überstadt.
 Prince Arthur of Homestead.
 Lady Edith of Homestead.
 Supreme Dictator Veselovsky of the F.A.R.T..
 Yan the First of YAN.
 Emperor Joseph of Gilead.
 First Lady Adrianne Baugh of Molossia.
 Obsidia's Display.
 Molossia's Display. |
 West Who's Display. |
 Slabovia's Display. |
Topic |
Presenter |
Opening and Introductions |
President Kevin Baugh of the Republic of Molossia |
Origins of Micronationalism |
Mr. Steven F. Scharff |
But What's The Point? - Micronations That Matter |
Grand Duke Travis McHenry of the Grand Duchy of Westarctica |
Ladonia: Progress and Plans |
Queen Carolyn of the Royal Republic of Ladonia |
Shiloh Interactive |
Princess Samantha of the Kingdom of Shiloh |
Intermicronational Trade and Economics |
HM Grand Duke Jacob Felts of the Grand Duchy of Broslavia |
West Who |
Vice President John Farr of West Who |
Micronations, Living the Dream |
Queen Anastasia of the Kingdom of Ruritania |
25 Years On The Throne |
King George II of the Kingdom of Slabovia |
The Grand Duchy of Broslavia |
HM Lord Henry of the Grand Duchy of Broslavia |
The Ambulatory Free States of Obsidia 101 |
Grand Marshall Yagjian of the Kaotic Ambulatory Free States of Obsidia |
Sandwiches, provided. |
The Kingdom of Vikesland |
King Christopher of the Kingdom of Vikesland |
The California Republic |
President McCovey Staples of the California Republic |
Überstadt, A Kingdom of the People |
King Adam I of the Kingdom of Überstadt |
Alternative Technologies in the Micronational Arena / Legal Process of Micronational Documents |
Prince Arthur / Lady Edith of the House of Homestead |
The Provisional Territories of the F.A.R.T. |
Supreme Dictator Vladimir Valentinovich Veselovsky of the Provisional Territories of the F.A.R.T. |
The Power Of One |
His Holy Highness Yan the First of YAN (via Skype) |
The Empire of Gilead |
HIM Emperor Joseph Vladimir Christ of the Empire of Gilead |
Growing Into Micronationalism |
First Lady Adrianne Baugh of the Republic of Molossia |
Closing |
President Kevin Baugh of the Republic of Molossia |
Flag |
Micronation |
Attendee(s) |
Republic of Molossia |
President Kevin Baugh |
Republic of Molossia |
First Lady Adrianne Baugh |
Republic of Molossia |
Commodore Jonathan Miller |
Republic of Molossia |
Mrs. Commodore Katie Miller |
Kingdom of Ruritania |
HRM Queen Anastasia Sophia Maria Helena |
Kingdom of Ruritania |
HH Duchess Elizabeth Gretchen von Tarlenheim |
Grand Duchy of Westarctica |
HRH Grand Duke Travis McHenry |
Grand Duchy of Westarctica |
Pavan Pulipati, Marquis of Sarnoff |
Kingdom of Slabovia |
HRM King George II |
Kingdom of Slabovia |
Chancellor Rankin MacGillivray |
Kingdom of Vikesland |
King Christopher I |
Kingdom of Vikesland |
Baron Michael Stogner |
Royal Republic of Ladonia |
HM Queen Carolyn |
Royal Republic of Ladonia |
HRH Prince David |
West Who |
Vice-President John Farr |
Provisional Territories of the F.A.R.T. |
Supreme Dictator and Exalted Overlord Vladimir Valentinovich Veselovsky |
Kingdom of Shiloh |
King Timothy Miller |
Kingdom of Shiloh |
Crown Princess Samantha of Shiloh |
Kingdom of Shiloh |
Archduke Sir Jason Wilson |
Kingdom of Shiloh |
Sir Jason Daniel Wilson |
Kingdom of Shiloh |
Sir William Becking |
Kingdom of Shiloh |
Sir Scott Castagneto |
Kingdom of Shiloh |
Sir Valentino Velasquez |
Kingdom of Shiloh |
Lord Brandon Scoot Yarbrough-Noel |
Kingdom of Shiloh |
Lady Mayleene Yarbrough-Noel |
His Holy Highness Yan the First |
Grand Duchy of Broslavia |
HM Grand Duke Jacob Felts |
Grand Duchy of Broslavia |
HM Lord Henry Roberts |
Empire of Gilead |
HIM Emperor Joseph Vladimir Christ |
House of Homestead |
His Territorial Highness Prince Arthur Louis Pagan |
House of Homestead |
Lady Edith |
Grand Marshall Yagjian |
Kaotic Ambulatory Free States of Obsidia |
Kingdom of Überstadt |
HM King Adam I |
| California Republic |
President McCovey Staples |
| California Republic |
Jane Staples, Tzar of Transportation |
| Republic of Doria |
Dictator Dorian Grimes |
The Cotillion was a semi-formal / formal ball, with a catered dinner. The Cotillion was held the evening of Saturday, 11 April 2015, from 5:30 - 8:30 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim, 511 South Harbor Blvd, Anaheim, CA, just a block from the Anaheim Central Library.
Attire for the Cotillion was semi-formal. Gentlemen wore at a minimum a suit and tie; tuxedos were in evidence, as well. Many attendees wore dress uniforms. Ladies wore evening gowns.
All attendees danced the evening away among royalty, nobles and world leaders!
 Cotillion Mingling. |
 Cotillion Attendees. |
 Prince Arthur Presents An Award. |
 Grand Duke Travis Presents An Award. |
 King Christopher Presents An Award. |
 King Timothy Presents An Award. |
 Queen Anastasia Presents An Award. |
 First Family Of Molossia. |
 Commodore And Mrs. Miller. |
 King Adam I And Dictator Dorian Grimes. |
 Emperor Joseph Christ. |
 King George II and Chancellor MacGillivray. |
 Grand Duke Jacob Felts And Lord Henry Roberts. |
 King Christopher I And Baron Michael Stogner. |
 HRH Grand Duke Travis And Marquis Pavan Pulipati. |
 King Timothy And Crown Princess Samantha. |
 Prince Arthur, Lady Edith And Queen Anastasia. |
 On The Academy Award Steps. |
 Regal World Leaders. |
 Touring Hollywood. |
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