___________________________________________________________________________ E S P E R A N T O R U L E S ___________________________________________________________________________ Building Blocks of Esperanto ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Following is a list of Esperanto building blocks. Along with a list of word stems, it should help to interpret and construct Esperanto words. I should note that some of the prefixes and suffixes quoted here are rather loose in their definition and may also appear in word stems on occasion without the cited meaning. Where an affix is actually a word stem itself I have attempted to list that word stem underneath. I might also add, that this summary is not intended to teach Esperanto, but to serve as a useful reference for those of us who are learning. Many things are left unsaid. Grammatical Endings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of these grammatical endings should appear on the end of most words, and defines that words role in a sentence. Other suffixes and prefixes may precede this final identifier. -o noun amo "love" -a adjective ama "loving" -e adverb ame "lovingly" -n direct object of a verb amon "love" -j plural amoj "loves" -jn plural of the direct object amojn "loves" -i verb, infinitive ami "to love" -u verb, imperative amu "love!" -is verb, past tense amis "loved" -as verb, present tense amas "loves" -os verb, future tense amos "will love" -us verb, conditional amus "would love" Prefixes ~~~~~~~~ All the prefixes precede the stem of the word, many are in fact word stems themselves. Many may be compounded with other prefixes and suffixes. Many are rather flexible in their definition. al- approach, towards, bringing closer al "towards" veni "to come" > alveni "to arrive" iri "to go" > aliri "to approach" porti "to carry" > alporti "to bring" paroli "to speak" > alparoli "to address" See also: for- bo- relative by marriage patro "father" > bopatro "father-in-law" ĉef- chief ĉefo "a chief" urbo "town" > ĉefurbo "capital city" ministro "minister" > ĉefministro "prime minister" dis- separation, dispersal doni "to give" > disdoni "to distribute" sendi "to send" > dissendi "to transmit" ek- commencement, suddenness ek! "commence!" brili "to shine" > ekbrili "to flash" iri "to go" > ekiri "to set off" sidi "to sit" > eksidi "to sit down" See also: -ad- re- eks- former eksa "former" prezidanto "president" > eksprezidanto "ex-president" fi- shameful or immoral fi! "shame!" viro "man" > fiviro "scoundrel" for- away for "away" iri "to go" > foriri "to go away" esti "to be" > foresti"to be absent" See also: al- ge- both sexes together frato "brother" > gefratoj "siblings" patro "father" > gepatroj "parents" sinjoro "Mister" > gesinjoroj "Mr and Mrs" See also: vir- -in- mal- opposite malo "opposite" alta "high" > malalta "low" vero "truth" > malvero "falsehood" ami "to love" > malami "to hate" forta "strong" > malforta "weak" See also: mis- "ne" mis- wrongly kompreni "to understand" > miskompreni "to misunderstand" paŝo "a step" > mispaŝo "a blunder" See also: mal- "ne" pra- of great antiquity, remoteness of relationship praa "primitive" tempo "time" > pratempo "the ancient past" nepo "grandson" > pranepo "great-grandson" See also: -id- re- repetition, return ree "again" ŝi vidas "she sees" > ŝi revidas "she sees again" ni venas "we're coming" > ni revenas "we're coming back" See also: ek- -ad- sen- without sen "without" koro "heart" > senkora "heartless" forta "strong" > senforta "strengthless" helpa "helpful" > senhelpa "helpless" kompata "merciful" > senkompata "merciless" See also: -aĉ- -eg- -et- vir- masculine viro "man" bovo "ox" > virbovo "bull" porko "pig" > virporko "boar" ĉevalo "horse" > virĉevalo "stallion" See also: ge- -in- -iĉ- Suffixes ~~~~~~~~ All these suffixes follow the stem of the word and precede the grammatical ending, which defines the role the word will play. Many may be compounded with other suffixes and prefixes. Some are in fact words stems themselves. -aĉ- disparagement aĉa "awful" domo "house" > domaĉo "hovel" hundo "dog" > hundaĉo "cur","mongrel" ridi "to laugh" > ridaĉi "to sneer" See also: -eg- -et- sen- -ad- action, particularly prolonged or repeated paroli "to speak" > paroladi "to make a speech" penso "thought" > pensado "(the process of) thinking" memoro "memory" > memorado "the fact of remembering" See also: ek- re- -aĵ- A thing, having the quality or substance of ... aĵo "a thing" nova "new" > novaĵo "news", "novelty" okazi "to happen" > okazaĵo "event" arto "art" > artaĵo "objet d'art" porko "pig" > porkaĵo "pork" See also: -ec- -a -em- -an- member of a group; inhabitant ano "member" urbo "town" > urbano "townsman" Novjorko "New York" > novjorkano "New Yorker" polico "police" > policano "member of the police force" lando "country" > landano "citizen" See also: -ar- -ul- -ar- collective, group aro "group","set" vorto "word" > vortaro "dictionary", "vocabulary" homo "human being" > homaro "mankind" studento "student" > studentaro "the student body (of a school)" kuracisto "doctor" > kuracistaro "the medical profession" See also: -an- -ebl- possibility ebla "possible" havi "to have" > havebla "available" ami "to love" > amebla "possible to love" See also: -ind- -ec- having the characteristics of ... eco "a quality","a characteristic" infano "child" > infaneca "childish" > infaneco "childhood" sola "alone" > soleca "lonely" > soleco "lonliness" ruĝa "red" > ruĝeca "reddish" libera "free" > libereco "freedom" viro "man" > vireco "virility" unu "one" > unueco "unity" See also: -aĵ- -a -em- -eg- augmentative ega "huge" bona "good" > bonega "excellent" bela "beautiful" > belega "splendid" urbo "town" > urbego "a large city" labori "to work" > laboregi "to work hard" See also: -et- -eĉ- sen- -ej- place (often collective) ejo "a place" dormi "to sleep" > dormejo "dormitory" lerni "to learn" > lernejo "school" -em- tendency emi "to be inclined to" paroli "to speak" > parolema "talkative" agi "to act" > agema "active", "enterprising" timi "to be afraid" > timema "fearful", "timid" See also: -a -ec- -aĵ- -end- passive obligation enda "that must be" pagi "to pay" > pagenda "payable" solvi "to solve" > solvenda "that must be solved" -er- small particle of a whole ero "a particle" pano "bread" > panero "crumb" ĉeno "chain" > ĉenero "link" pluvo "rain" > pluvero "raindrop" -estr- leader estro "leader" stacio "station" > staciestro "station master" urbo "town" > urbestro "mayor" lerni "to learn" > lernestro "schoolmaster" -et- diminutive eta "tiny" virino "woman" > virineto "little woman" bela "beautiful" > beleta "pretty","cute" See also: -eg- -eĉ- sen- -iĉ- male iĉo "a male" instruisto "teacher" > instruistiĉo "male teacher" See also: vir- -in- ge- -id- descendant of ido "offspring" koko "rooster" > kokido "chick" porko "pig" > porkido "piglet" bovo "ox" > bovido "calf" ĉevalo "horse" > ĉevalido "colt" reĝo "king" > reĝido "prince" See also: pra- -ig- causative igi "to make" granda "big" > grandigi "to enlarge" forta "strong" > fortigi "to strengthen" facila "easy" > faciligi "to facilitate" scii "to know" > sciigi "to inform", "to make known" stari "to stand" > starigi "to set up" kontenta "glad" > kontentiga "satisfactory" See also: -iĝ- -iĝ- become ... iĝi "to become" proksima "near" > proksimiĝi "to draw nearer" stara "standing" > stariĝi "to stand up" viro "man" > viriĝi "to become a man" rapida "quick" > rapidiĝo "acceleration" See also: -ig- -il- implement, tool ilo "a tool" labori "to work" > laborilo "tool" veturi "to travel" > veturilo "vehicle" -in- female ino "a female" knabo "boy" > knabino "girl" viro "man" > virino "woman" patro "father" > patrino "mother" instruisto "teacher" > instruistino "female teacher" See also: vir- ge- -iĉ- -ind- worthiness inda "worthy" ami "to love" > aminda "deserving love" vidi "to see" > vidinda "worth seeing" havi "to have" > havinda "worth having" See also: -ebl- -ing- holder ingo "a holder","a socket" glavo "sword" > glavingo "scabbard" plumo "pen" > plumingo "pen-holder" -ism- pattern or system ismo "an ism" protekti "to protect" > protrektismo "protectionism" alkoholo "alcohol" > alkoholismo "alcoholism" -ist- habitual occupation, profession isto "professional" instrui "to teach" > instruisto "teacher" labori "to work" > laboristo "worker" polico "police" > policisto "policeman" See also: -ul- -obl- multiple oble "-fold" du "two" > duobla "double" kvar "four" > kvaroble "fourfold" -on- fraction ono "a fraction" du "two" > duoni "to halve" ses "six" > sesono "a sixth" -op- collective numeral tri "three" > triopo "triplet" unu "one" > unuope "one by one","in the manner of one-ness" -uj- container ujo "receptacle" sukero "sugar" > sukerujo "sugar basin" papero "paper" > paperujo "wallet" mono "money" > monujo "purse" -ul- a person ulo "fellow","chap" juna "young" > junulo "a youth" forta "strong" > fortulo "a hefty guy" drinko "alcoholic drink" > drinkulo "drunkard" trinko "drink" > trinkulo "one who drinks" See also: -ist- -an- -um- related to in some way (no fixed meaning though) malvarma "cold" > malvarmumi "to catch a cold" plena "full" > plenumi "to fulfill" plando "sole of foot" > plandumo "sole of shoe" cerbo "brain" > cerbumi "to puzzle over" Participles ~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a very brief summary. The participles can form compound verbs when they follow the helper "esti" (where they take the ad- jectival suffix), or they can take adjectival, adverbial or noun forms on their own (with the appropriate grammatical ending). PASSIVE ACTIVE PAST -it- -int- PRESENT -at- -ant- FUTURE -ot- -ont- CONDITIONAL -ut- -unt- Pronouns ~~~~~~~~ A complete list of pronouns. As in English, the plural "you" is identical to the singular and does not take the plural suffix. Possesives take the adjectival form by adding the -a suffix. mi I vi you li he ŝi she ĝi it ni we ili they oni one ci thou (archaic) si reflexive - refers back to subject ri he or she (genderless, neoligism) Correlatives ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any combination of the prefix and suffix will form a small word describing something. Remember that movement towards a place is indicated by using the accusative (-n) suffix. -o thing -u person indefined (some-) i- -a kind demonstrative (that-) ti- -es posession interrogtaive (what-) ki- -e place collective (every-) ĉi- -am time negative (no-) neni- -om quantity -al reason -el way, manner Numbers ~~~~~~~ Numbers follow a consistent pattern, best illustrated by example. nulo zero dek unu eleven unu one dek du twelve du two dek tri thirteen tri three dudek tri twenty three kvar four kvindek ok fifty eight kvin five cent sesdek a hundred and sixty ses six sepcent okdek seven hundred and eighty sep seven dekmiliono ten million ok eight naŭ nine dek ten cent hundred mil thousand miliono million miliardo billion (thousand million) Prepositions, Conjunctions and other words with no grammatical ending ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Short words which do not have any grammatical ending are used very often. They are prepositions, conjunctions, interjections and even adverbs, and a real pain to always be looking up in a dictionary. Here is a fairly complete list of all you will likely meet. ajn -ever (with a correlative) al to(wards) almenaŭ at least ankaŭ also ankoraŭ still, yet anstataŭ instead of antaŭ before apenaŭ scarcely apud beside, near baldaŭ soon ĉar because ĉe at, by, in case of ĉi this- (with a correlative or noun) ĉirkaŭ around da of (quantinty) de of, from des so much the do then, thus, therefore dum during eĉ even ekster outside of el out of en in for away ĝis until inter between ja indeed jam already je indefinte preposition jen hereis, behold jes yes ju so much the ĵus just kaj and ke that kontraŭ against krom except, apart from kun with kvankam although kvazaŭ as if laŭ according to, along malgraux in spite of mem -self (with a pronoun) ne no nu well nun now nur only ol than per by means of plej most pli more po at the rate of por for post after preter past, by, beyond pri concerning, about pro on account of, oweing to, because of sed but sen without sub under super above sur on tamen however tra through trans across tre very tro too tuj immediately ___________________________________________________________________________ Go back to the index for other lessons.