26 December 2017 XL
Khamsin Molossia News

Christmas is a major holiday in Molossia and a time of great tradition as well as festivity. Christmas is one of the most important holidays in the Republic of Molossia, and is traditionally a three-day celebration. The holiday actually begins on December 24th with Christmas Eve activities, including watching movies, baking (and eating) cookies, drinking eggnog and playing board games as a family - and the new tradition of decorating Molossia's Christmas Crane. Christmas Eve dinner this year was turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and all the trimmings. The evening ends with the reading of the "Night Before Christmas", and with tracking the arrival of Santa Claus using NORAD's website. Christmas morning, December 25th, begins early, as the family descends upon the hoard of presents beneath the National Christmas Tree. Once the frenzy of present-opening ends, Christmas breakfast is made and served, and afterward everyone settles down to enjoy their gifts. Christmas dinner takes place in the later afternoon, largely wrapping up a lazy, relaxing day. Christmas dinner consisted this year of our traditional meal of lasagna, reflecting the Italian heritage of Molossia. Boxing Day is on December 26th, and is the last day of the Christmas holidays. While no special events take place, dinner on Boxing Day is traditionally Shepherd's Pie, in keeping with the British theme of the day. This wraps up the Christmas events for the year, with everyone eagerly looking forward to the distant arrival of next year's Christmas.

The Presidential Christmas Card.

Molossia's Traditional
Christmas Crane,
Decorated for the

The National Christmas Tree In Republic Square.

The National Christmas Tree Inside Government House.

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