23 May 2004 XXVII

Khamsin Molossia News

Presidential TV Appearance Cancelled. His Excellency, The President was scheduled to appear on TechTV for a second time, on June 4th. This interview would have been a landmark for Molossian public affairs, the first time our leader has appeared in person on television. Unfortunately, His Excellency was forced to cancel his trip to San Francisco, and the related interview, due to scheduling conflicts. He has expressed a desire to reschedule his proposed interview, at a future date.

Visit to Farfalla and Lava Beds Expedition. From the 20th through the 22nd on May, His Excellency, The President and the First Lady traveled to Northern California and visited the Farfalla Colony. In addition, His Excellency participated in an expedition to the Lava Beds National Monument, as part of the Molossian Institute of Volcanology. During the Farfalla visit, His Excellency spent considerable time touring and enjoying our colony, including enjoying lunch beneath the trees along Achumawi Creek, near the Lion Spring. In addition, The President spent some time surveying the general area around Farfalla, with an eye toward expanding our colonial claims in that area. On the 21st, His Excellency and the First Lady traveled to Lava Beds National Monument and spent the day exploring the volcanic features there. Lava Beds is renowned for its numerous lava tube caves, and The President explored several of these, including Golden Dome Cave, Hopkins Chocolate Cave, Blue Grotto Cave, Sunshine Cave, Sentinal Cave and Skull Cave. In addition, His Excellency visited Black Crater, the Devil's Homestead Lava Flow and Fleener Chimneys. All in all it was an excellent trip, and a landmark voyage of exploration and discovery.

The Molossian Institute of Volcanology can be visited here.

Cemetery Makeover. The Molossia Cemetery is the resting place for may departed animals, once beloved members of the nation and First Family. However, in recent years, time and weather have taken their toll on the cemetery, and it was time for a makeover. Thus, under the direction of His Excellency, The President, the cemetery got a new look. Gone are the old wood signs over each grave, replaced by green shale stones, with small metal name tags. In addition, a statue of St. Francis (known locally as "St. Frank"), the patron saint of animals has been placed among our departed friends. Finally, a new monument has found a home in the cemetery, a small stone dedicated to the memory of the "Unknown Molossian". The cemetery is much improved and does a service to those animals that rest here forever.

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