Today, 30 July 2013 XXXVI we celebrate the 51st birthday of His Excellency President Grand Admiral Colonel Doctor Kevin Raoul Boudreaux Chang Boubacar Baugh, President of Molossia, Protector of the Nation and Guardian of the People. On this most auspicious day, the people of Molossia unanimously proclaimed their love for Our President at a mandatory birthday party held in Government House and reflected more or less willingly on the over 36 years that His Excellency has lead our nation and upon his inspired life in general.
It all began with His Excellency's humble birth at 9:14 am, 30 July 1962, in a tiny hospital in Southern California, over which a rainbow miraculously appeared at the moment he arrived in the world. Throughout The President's remarkable childhood he demonstrated his intellectual genius by winning numerous spelling bees and inventing a cure for soap-sting in the eyes, all the while developing a taste for ever more grand hats. In his teens, as is well known, our inspired leader founded the nation of Molossia - then known as Vuldstein due to some bad advice - with a childhood friend who has since mysteriously disappeared. As we know, this stupendous inauguration has since been enshrined as Founder's Day, in honour of His Excellency's marvellous creation of our nation. After his teens, The President embarked on a tour of Europe to see what they were doing wrong and what he could do better, followed by some years in America to study what they were doing wrong and what he could do better, before settling down in the Molossia you see today, armed with the knowledge and fortitude to make our nation great. Incidentally, while in Europe for a second time, Our Leader personally engineered the fall of the Berlin Wall, kindly passing credit to the late President Reagan in light of his advancing years, and was instrumental in the successful liberation of Kuwait in 1991. In 1998, The President personally selected this plot of land in Nevada upon which to place our nation, an event marked by the clouds parting and a ray of sunshine beaming down directly upon the spot. Once settled in Molossia, His Excellency literally became the father of his country and furthermore expended great effort to build the nation from the ground up, the other direction not working as well. After a brief, ill-advised period as a communist premier (said advisor having since mysteriously disappeared), The President staged a coup and overthrew himself, installing himself as the freely chosen dictator of our great nation. Since that day, the glories of Molossia have only grown, under the inspired and tireless leadership of His Excellency.
In honour of this landmark day, The President has renamed the capital of Molossia to Baughston as a gift to his people and has furthermore graciously allowed himself to be declared Molossia's Man of the Year for the 36th straight year, the other candidates having mysteriously disappeared. Let us all salute His Excellency, The President on this propitious day, and wish him many more to come!

All Hail The President!
 Happy Birthday, Mr. President!
 Sierra Madre Hospital On The Day The President Was Born!
 Liberator of Kuwait!
 The Sun Shines On Molossia!