On Sunday 27 April 2008 XXXI, the Molossian Ministry for Air and Space Exploration launched it's latest project, the "Endeavour" Tandem Rocket Project. The purpose of this mission was launch the Oracle Rocket and immediately launch another rocket afterward, in hopes that Oracle would film the second rocket as it took to the skies. An auspicious goal, and unfortunately one that was complicated nearly every step of the way. As preparations were under way, the first problem arose: the software that is used to download video from the Oracle is not compatible with Windows Vista, and Vista is the operating system of the new laptop computer used by the Ministry. Because the Oracle only takes one video per launch, that video must be downloaded before a second can be made. Without the portability of the Ministry's laptop, plans had to be rewritten, moving the launch from its usual venue, Misfit Flats, 10 Imperial Nortons from Molossia, to a nearby hilltop less than one IM from Molossia. Thus, after each launch, the launch crew would have to return to Molossia to download the video from the flight, before returning from the launch site to start all over. With that plan in place, the launch site was set up, nearer to Molossia. The chase rocket was to be the new "Mustang", built just for the Endeavour Project, and painted in the colors of the Molossian Flag. At 9:40 AM MST, the Oracle and the Mustang flew aloft in a perfect launch on a lovely spring day. Both rockets landed near the launch site as planned, and the crew returned with the Oracle to Molossia, to download the video. Only then was it discovered that the power to the camera had been shut off, probably during landing, and the video was lost. The crew returned to the launch site and launched again, again without complications. Upon recovering the Oracle, however, the camera was inadvertently triggered, erasing the video. Frustrated, the crew retreated to Molossia. Two hours later tempers had cooled, and the crew returned to the launch site. The next two launches went flawlessly, and video was successfully recovered from both. However, when the film was viewed, it was discovered that the launch of the Mustang is barely visible on the first video taken by the Oracle, and not visible at all on the second. Thus, after all the effort and problems, the "Endeavour" project was largely a failure. Nevertheless, the decision was made to turn the existing video into a short movie anyway. The project was retroactively named "Endeavour", both to reflect the discovery theme ("Endeavour" being the name of Captain Cook's vessel), and to reflect the sheer effort that has gone into this project. The next planned mission of the Molossian Ministry for Air and Space Exploration is the Joint Rocket Project between Molossia and Vikesland. It is expected that this new project will proceed much more smoothly! Visit the Molossian Ministry for Air and Space Exploration website here. |
![]() The Oracle and Mustang Rockets Poised for Launch ![]() The Mustang Rocket ![]() The Oracle Rocket ![]() Click here for a movie of the "Endeavour" Tandem Rocket Project. |