6 July 2003 XXVI

Khamsin Molossia News

Ah, summer! Lazy days in the hot sun. Well, the hot sun has spawned the laziness in Molossia, anyway. The summer heat has driven our hard working populace indoors, and brought to a crashing halt pretty much any outdoor activity.
Planned projects such as the re-building of the Tower of the Winds and an extension of the Molossia Railroad have been put on hold due to the heat. Even the launch of the rocket Astrocam this very morning at 7:30, Molossian Standard Time, was accomplished in what was already a very warm day, causing great discomfort to the launch crew. The launch was cut short a short time later. Oddly enough, a planned expedition this weekend by the Molossian Institute of Volcanology to Lassen Peak was cancelled, not due to heat, but because of snow on the trails!

Hopefully, this heat will dissipate and we can get back to the normal active life we are accustomed to here in Molossia!

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