Sandpiper Island is an islet in Lake Lahontan, Nevada, about 32 km (20 miles) east of the Republic of Molossia. The reservoir is almost 27 km (17 miles) long with 111 km (69 miles) of shoreline. When full, it contains 40 square kilometers (10,000 acres) of water. The recent dry conditions have severely curtailed the amount of water in the reservoir, and reduced the water level significantly. This is starkly demonstrated by the condition of Sandpiper Island. The island, which has been visited twice by our Navy, lies just off Blackbird Point, not far from the reservoir's dam. The water level has dropped so dramatically that the island is now joined to shore by a land bridge, and can be walked to. |
 The island at high water in May 2007. |
 The island at normal low water in November 2005. |
 The island at very low water in November 2007. |